Installing Smartview
Installing Smartview on PC
To install Smartview on Mac, please contact our support line.
To install Smartview on PC, follow these steps:
1. Download the extension through your Software Center. If you cannot find it there, download it from Downloads in Oracle Budget.
If you download via Oracle Budget, you will need to create an account via Oracle (the bottom part below).
You will then need to navigate back to the login tab from Oracle Budget. Then log in and select all of the checks. Then download the file, unzip it, and open the add-in. You can then open the add-in. Restart Excel and it should appear at the top of your screen.
2. Next, update the default URL, copy the URL (from next slide) select the Smart View Tab > Options >Advanced> General > Shared Connection URL. Enter Shared Connection URL in the box:
3. Select Options>Data Options, deselect ‘Suppress Missing Blocks’ and make sure that ‘Suppress Missing Data’ within the rows and columns are not checked.
4. Within Data Options, navigate to Replacement, adjust #Missing Label to #Numeric Zero and #No Access Label to #No Access
5. The required setup is now complete. You should be able to use Smartview as desired.