Financial Reports
For more information on UCR's Budget and Financial Fundamentals, please check out our November 2023 Town Hall PowerPoint.
Please note that the FY24 Perm Budget file in progress.
Financial Dashboard Reports
FY2025 Dashboard
ATTENTION: After selecting your organization link, click the "Open in Desktop" button to open the file in Excel (which involves clicking "Editing" and "Open in Desktop" in the top right corner).
Data through FY25-Jan
ORG11 - Bourns College of Engineering
ORG12 - College of Humanities Arts & Social Sciences
ORG14 - College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences
ORG21 - Info Technology Solutions
ORG24 - Research & Economic Development
ORG26 - University Advancement
ORG30 - Facilities Planning Design & Const
ORG31 - Provost:Exec Vice Chancellor
ORG36 - Undergraduate Education
ORG37 - School of Public Policy
ORG38 - UCR Intercollegiate Athletics
FY2024 Dashboard
ATTENTION: After selecting your organization link, click the "Open in Desktop" button to open the file in Excel (which involves clicking "Editing" and "Open in Desktop" in the top right corner).
ORG11 - Bourns College of Engineering
ORG12 - College of Humanities Arts & Social Sciences
ORG14 - College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences
ORG21 - Info Technology Solutions
ORG24 - Research & Economic Development
ORG26 - University Advancement
ORG30 - Facilities Planning Design & Const
ORG31 - Provost:Exec Vice Chancellor
ORG36 - Undergraduate Education
ORG37 - School of Public Policy
ORG38 - UCR Intercollegiate Athletics
FY2023 Dashboard
ATTENTION: After selecting your organization link, click the "Open in Desktop" button to open the file in Excel (which involves clicking "Editing" and "Open in Desktop" in the top right corner).
ORG 10 (Graduate School of Education)
ORG 11 (Bourns College of Engineering)
ORG 12 (Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci)
ORG 13 (School of Business)
ORG 14 (College of Nat & Agr Sciences)
ORG 15 (University Extension)
ORG 16 (University Library)
ORG 18 (Academic Senate)
ORG 19 (Auxiliary Services)
ORG 20 (Chancellor)
ORG 21 (Info. Technology Solutions)
ORG 22 (Graduate Division)
ORG 24 (Vice Chancellor - Research)
ORG 25 (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs)
ORG 26 (Vice Chancellor - Univ Adv)
ORG 30 (Fac - Plng - Design - Const)
ORG 31 (Provost/Exec Vic Chancellor)
ORG 32 (International Affairs)
ORG 33 (Enrollment Services)
ORG 35 (Palm Desert Graduate Center)
ORG 36 (Undergraduate Education)
ORG 37 (School of Public Policy)
ORG 38 (UCR Intercollegiate Athletics)
ORG 39 (Planning, Budget & Admin)
ORG 40 (School of Medicine)
ORG 42 (Health, Well-being, and Safety)
FY2022 Dashboard
ATTENTION: After selecting your organization link, click the "Open in Desktop" button to open the file in Excel (which involves clicking "Editing" and "Open in Desktop" in the top right corner).
Org All Combined
ORG 10 (Graduate School of Education)
ORG 11 (Bourns College of Engineering)
ORG 12 (Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci)
ORG 13 (School of Business)
ORG 14 (College of Nat & Agr Sciences)
ORG 15 (University Extension)
ORG 16 (University Library)
ORG 18 (Academic Senate)
ORG 19 (Auxiliary Services)
ORG 20 (Chancellor)
ORG 21 (Info. Technology Solutions)
ORG 22 (Graduate Division)
ORG 24 (Vice Chancellor - Research)
ORG 25 (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs)
ORG 26 (Vice Chancellor - Univ Adv)
ORG 30 (Fac - Plng - Design - Const)
ORG 31 (Provost/Exec Vic Chancellor)
ORG 32 (International Affairs)
ORG 33 (Enrollment Services)
ORG 35 (Palm Desert Graduate Center)
ORG 36 (Undergraduate Education)
ORG 37 (School of Public Policy)
ORG 38 (UCR Intercollegiate Athletics)
ORG 39 (Planning, Budget & Admin)
ORG 40 (School of Medicine)
FY2021 Dashboard
ATTENTION: After selecting your organization link, click the "Open in Desktop" button to open the file in Excel (which involves clicking "Editing" and "Open in Desktop" in the top right corner).
Org All Combined
ORG 10 (Graduate School of Education)
ORG 11 (Bourns College of Engineering)
ORG 12 (Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci)
ORG 13 (School of Business)
ORG 14 (College of Nat & Agr Sciences)
ORG 15 (University Extension)
ORG 16 (University Library)
ORG 18 (Academic Senate)
ORG 19 (Auxiliary Services)
ORG 20 (Chancellor)
ORG 21 (Info. Technology Solutions)
ORG 22 (Graduate Division)
ORG 24 (Vice Chancellor - Research)
ORG 25 (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs)
ORG 26 (Vice Chancellor - Univ Adv)
ORG 30 (Fac - Plng - Design - Const)
ORG 31 (Provost/Exec Vic Chancellor)
ORG 32 (International Affairs)
ORG 33 (Enrollment Services)
ORG 35 (Palm Desert Graduate Center)
ORG 36 (Undergraduate Education)
ORG 37 (School of Public Policy)
ORG 38 (UCR Intercollegiate Athletics)
ORG 39 (Planning, Budget & Admin)
ORG 40 (School of Medicine)
FY2020 Dashboard
Org All (Combined)
ORG 10 (Graduate School of Education)
ORG 11 (Bourns College of Engineering)
ORG 12 (Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci)
ORG 13 (School of Business)
ORG 14 (College of Nat & Agr Sciences)
ORG 15 (University Extension)
ORG 16 (University Library)
ORG 18 (Academic Senate)
ORG 20 (Chancellor)
ORG 21 (Info. Technology Solutions)
ORG 22 (Graduate Division)
ORG 22 Fin Aid Only
ORG 22 without Fin Aid
ORG 24 (Vice Chancellor - Research)
ORG 25 (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs)
ORG 26 (Vice Chancellor - Univ Adv)
ORG 30 (Fac - Plng - Design - Const)
ORG 31 (Provost/Exec Vic Chancellor)
ORG 33 (Enrollment Services)
ORG 33 Fin Aid Only
ORG 33 without Fin Aid
ORG 35 (Palm Desert Graduate Center)
ORG 37 (School of Public Policy)
ORG 38 (UCR Intercollegiate Athletics)
ORG 39 (Planning, Budget & Admin)
ORG 39 Admin Only
ORG 39 Aux Only
ORG 40 (School of Medicine)
FY2019 Dashboard
ORG All (Combined)
ORG 10 (Graduate School of Education)
ORG 11 (Bourns College of Engineering)
ORG 12 (Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci)
ORG 13 (School of Business)
ORG 14 (College of Nat & Agr Sciences)
ORG 15 (University Extension)
ORG 16 (University Library)
ORG 17 (Planning & Budget)
ORG 18 (Academic Senate)
ORG 20 (Chancellor)
ORG 21 (Info. Technology Solutions)
ORG 22 (Graduate Division)
ORG 22 Fin Aid Only
ORG 22 without Fin Aid
ORG 24 (Vice Chancellor - Research)
ORG 25 (Vice Chancellor Student Affairs)
ORG 26 (Vice Chancellor - Univ Adv)
ORG 30 (Fac - Plng - Design - Const)
ORG 31 (Provost/Exec Vic Chancellor)
ORG 33 (Enrollment Services)
ORG 33 Fin Aid Only
ORG 33 without Fin Aid
ORG 35 (Palm Desert Graduate Center)
ORG 36 (Undergraduate Education)
ORG 37 (School of Public Policy)
ORG 38 (UCR Intercollegiate Athletics)
ORG 39 (Planning, Budget & Admin)
ORG 39 Admin Only
ORG 39 Aux Only
ORG 40 (School of Medicine)
FY2018 and Earlier
Please contact Financial Planning & Analysis at