
Budget Forms Update:
Effective FY22, eForms is being decommissioned. UCR expects to deploy a new workflow component for Golden Trees Modification Requests as well as Sales and Service Application Requests in our new financial system. In the interim and effective immediately, we ask all units to submit requests for each of these processes manually via the instructions below.  Feel free to contact the following individuals if you have any specific questions:

Sales & Services Application Forms
As stated in University policy, “generally, sales to a non-University customer should be considered a grant or contract, unless the sale is based on established unit prices, and like services or products are sold to other non-University customers or University department based on the same unit prices (allowing for the indirect cost differential charged to non-University customers).” Per APM-020, “regulation 4 deals with services to individuals and organizations outside the University…Such service may be justified if it does not interfere with University commitments and if 1) it gives the individual experience and knowledge of value to his teaching or research; 2) it is suitable research through which the individual may make worthy contributions to knowledge; or 3) it is appropriate public service.”  Additionally, Regulation 4 states that “University laboratories, bureaus and facilities are not to be used for tests, studies, or investigations of a purely commercial character, such as mineral assays, determination of properties of materials, the performance of efficiencies of machines, analysis of soils, water, insecticides, fertilizers, feeds, fuels, and other material, statistical calculations, etc., except when it is shown conclusively that satisfactory facilities for such services do not exist elsewhere.” Therefore, if there are to be sales to non-university customers, by completing [an] application you are certifying that this is not grant or contract activity, and that these goods or services are not available in the private sector.
Interim Sales & Service application process until further notice:
Applications for establishing a Sales & Service Fund can be submitted via an Excel spreadsheet form (link here). Please email your form and supporting document(s) to
  • Policies regarding the establishment and maintenance of Sales & Service Funds can be found HERE.

Inter-Location Transfer (ITF) Forms
FP&A's new process for ITFs (Inter-Location Transfers) applies to all ITFs, whether initiated by UCR or Other Campuses. In addition to the new UCR Financial systems, the UC Office of the President (UCOP) also launched a new system and process for ITFs that requires campuses to use specific Accounts based on the campus recipient and fund type. For this reason, we are shifting the responsibility of ITFs from the Accounting office to the Central Budget Office (CBO).  
Effective 9/1/2023, all ITF requests must be initiated in collaboration with the CBO by emailing
The template for ITFs must be downloaded and filled out before emailing it to the ITF email as the CBO will use that information to enter the appropriate values in the ITF UCOP system:
ITFs will be processed once a month.  If you would like an ITF to be processed in a given month, the CBO must receive your completed template no later than the 20th of that month. 
Please note that the UCOP policy on all state funds (special state & state general) is to transfer in the same function as much as possible. All other funds can cross functions as necessary. However, if you feel that the function being provided to your unit on state funds is not compatible with the fund type or purpose, please reach out to our office for further guidance at
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