UC Riverside is working toward its strategic plan to increase its overall enrollment to 25,000 students by 2020. On November 19, 2015, the Regents of the University of California approved a budget plan to enroll an additional 10,000 California resident undergraduates across the system through 2018. In cooperation with the UC systemwide plan, UCR’s total enrollment increased from 21,500 students in 2015 to just under 23,000 in 2016. In addition to increasing California resident undergraduate enrollment, each UC campus must ensure it enrolls one new California resident transfer student for every two new California resident freshmen. Toward that end, UCR has continued its overall growth by enrolling just over 23,000 students in Fall 2017 and anticipates an overall enrollment in Fall 2018 of about 24,000 students. This rapid growth is likely to result in a total enrollment of around 25,000 students in Fall 2019, putting UCR at risk of exceeding the enrollment entitlement in the campus’s current Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) set forth in 2005 and amended in 2010.

To this end, UCR Capital Asset Strategies is in the early stages of mobilizing for a new LRDP effort for the campus.

An LRDP is a comprehensive plan that guides physical campus development such as the location of buildings, open space, circulation, and other land uses. It identifies the physical development needed to achieve academic goals and is an important reference document for the campus, University, and the general public. The Regents, as well as California Code of Regulations,  require each campus to have a current LRDP. LRDPs are subject to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the purpose of which is to inform decision makers and the public of the potential environmental effects of a proposed project and identify solutions to mitigate the identified impacts.

The Regents must consider and certify the CEQA document prior to approving an LRDP. The Regents use LRDPs in reviewing capital projects and approving proposals for individual buildings. A current LRDP is a pre-requisite for the campus to avail of the UC Delegated Approval Process to locally approve capital projects up to $70 million. For continued conformance with California regulations, and to maintain its Delegated Approval authority, UC Riverside is planning to prepare a new LRDP and LRDP Environmental Impact Report in compliance with CEQA by Year-end 2019.

For UC Riverside, the proposed new LRDP is different from the recently completed 2016 Physical Master Plan Study, an internal planning study that articulates the physical planning vision for East Campus supportive of the campus’ strategic plan – UCR 2020: The Path to Preeminence.

Additional information/links pertaining to LRDPs and UC Riverside’s related planning efforts are included below for your reference:

UC Office of the President website on LRDPs

UC Riverside’s 2016 Physical Master Plan Study


R. Umashankar, Principal Physical Planner


Jacqueline Norman, Campus Architect

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